15 August 2008

What is an UPTHRUST BAR ?

What is an UPTHRUST BAR ?

An Upthrust Bar is a wide range bar, with a high volume and closing down. It indicates that the prices were marked up during the day (for simplicity we use day, it is equally applicable on all time frames), the Trading activity was High as indicated by the High volume and the prices dropped to near the low (or to the low) towards the closing hours.

Looking the SM perspective what happened was that the SM marked up the prices in early trading hours indicating strong bullishness. Enticed by this bullish move the weak money also rushed to acquire the stock. Shorts if any would also have rushed for cover. Meanwhile the SM is quietly distributing their holding to the weak money. In the later part of the day the SM drastically marks the price down trapping the weak money holding stocks at much higher prices.

In order to make this ideal, the Upthrust normally appears after a wide range upbar with high volume. This makes it easy for the SM to markup the price and entice the weak money. Most of the time the Upthrust will be moving into new higher territory. The High of this bar will be much higher than the previous high.. High volume should be an important consideration.

What are the Things to Look for in a Uptrust?

1. High Volume and How high?
2. Wide Spread?
3. Close, near or on the Low?
4. What was the previous bar action?
5. Did the bar into new territory?
6. Is the stock in an up trend?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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